France forces its supermarkets to donate unsold food on pain of prosecution - in Germany, by contrast, you can still be prosecuted for shopping in a container. This is despite the fact that several million tonnes of food (much of it still edible) is thrown away in Germany every year. Being responsible with food is something else! But what can be done?

There are a number of movements that are trying to save food in a variety of ways - be it through volunteer food collection from businesses (, Tafel) or through the discounted sale (the TooGoodToGo app) of goods that would otherwise be thrown away. There is also the sale of 'non-standard' fruit and vegetables ( or the free sharing of food ( And it's all so wonderfully simple!

"Fairteiler", which are "transfer points" for food - shelves, weather-protected bicycle baskets, refrigerators - where you can bring and take food free of charge. You can also use these fair points if you are not a member of Foodsharing. You can also make your own 'food baskets' available in the foodsharing community, or respond to other members' offers and offer/collect your own surplus food. If you want to be really active in saving food, you can also become a 'Foodsaver' who, in consultation with other Foodsavers, collects food from co-operating businesses and distributes it fairly.

Sound exciting? Then find out about this and other opportunities in your area and help save food!
